Tuesday, January 28, 2014

“I am cancer clear”! A Melanoma Clear Report for Coach Gary Westlund

I may have canceled my travels to Maui in January 2014, but with lots of help I sent Melanoma packing from here in Minnesota. (I will return to Hawaii soon enough…who wants to join me? Go Hawaii…whenever you can!)
Yesterday, January 27, I celebrated my 11th anniversary of my first Total Hip Replacement. Today I'm celebrating being cancer clear.
This morning, Tuesday January 28, I heard “clear margins – cancer clear”. Whew!
1. I’ve been aware of my genetic and sunburns-as-a-youth history increased risks for melanoma.
2. Been monitoring subtle changes in a mole on my left thigh in recent months.
3. Scheduled a physical where I asked my physician/friend to look closely at the mole.
4. Followed his advice to get a biopsy of the mole.
5. Acted quickly following the melanoma diagnosis in seeing other specialists to set up a plan for treating this cancer.
6. Promptly scheduled a surgery to clear all cancer cells form the area.
7. Invited friends to actively encourage me in all of the above...
I am within three weeks of my annual physical gone from having cancer to having no sign of that cancer.
Thanks to all my many highly professional and kind caregivers, encouraging and prayerful friends, and my surgery day driver, Sara Rapp.
I can say, “I am cancer clear”!
It is a relief to know this round of therapies is complete. I will be having semi-annual oncology and dermatology check-ups of my blood, lungs and skin.
Now my mind may return to focusing on other matters, other challenges, and other people needing my services.
For example: Two days ago I received a call from my former wife, and good friend, Laura.
She fell and broke her right wrist, the same wrist that Laura had surgery on several years ago due to an injury. She fell due to snow-camouflaged ice in her driveway. Arrrgggghhhhh.
So, these three consecutive days I’ve served Laura as her “right hand man”, helping with things a person without the use of one hand need, as well as getting her to her doctoring appointments.
Tomorrow she will see her wrist specialist for a splint or cast.
This is a significant challenge for right-handed Laura, an illustrator of children’s books in the midst of projects and publishing deadlines.
So, I’ll repeat: Life has challenges.
But, we each have resources, internal and external resources, to meet those challenges with courage, strength, and wisdom.
So, let’s remember: Stay strong, be smart, no fear, learn from one another’s challenges, marshal all our human resources with thanksgiving, follow doctors’ orders promptly, and always ready to help one another as we can.

To life! Le chayim!
Below is my three week journey from suspicion of melanoma to being cancer clear:
14.1.2 Thursday AM – Physical by Dr Roberts
14.1.7 Tuesday AM – Biopsy surgery of mole on leg by Dr Roberts
14.1.9-13 Thursday to Monday attending CC Team to Disney World Marathon
14.1.13 Monday AM - Phone conversation with Dr Roberts to hear diagnosis: Melanoma
14.1.15 Oncologist consultation with Dr Anderson
14.1.20 Surgery consultation with Dr Ogren
14.1.23 Wide excision surgery to remove any remaining melanoma cells
14.1.28 Pathology report: Cancer clear – surgically removed tissue had clear margins
14.2.6 Surgical stitches to be removed

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